Hurricane Panels: Affordable and Effective Storm Protection

Hurricane Panels benefit everyone near hurricane-prone areas! Not only are our storm panels affordable but they are easy to install before a storm. Our storm protection panels are made of high-quality aluminum that attach to the exterior walls of your home to surround the windows and doors.

Made of High-Quality Aluminum, Ensuring Superior Protection for Windows and Doors.

Why are Storm Panels so popular?

  • Low cost, as compared to other types of DIY hurricane shutters like plywood shutters or hurricane screens/fabric.

  • Available in different types, such as ones that are directly bolted to the wall, ones that use tracks, and others that include both tracks and bolts.

  • Easily removed with two people without any hassle.

  • Incredibly strong and provide increased protection for both doors and windows. The best thing is they can be reused for years and years!

Our storm panels are designed with a grooved design, where one piece overlaps the next one in order to provide maximum strength.